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There is no planet B.
Let’s Target Earth!

We challenge everyone to join and support our project: The Cleanup Community.
Please register here and become part of the solution to plastic pollution.
Organize and join conscious cleanup events. Be a role model.
Just as long until all trash is gone.


Make the difference.
Join The Cleanup Community.

One Cleanup at a time, all the time.

We host public cleanup events all over the planet and offer YOU a platform where you can do the same with us. We are result driven. We know cleanups are essential in activating ourselves to improve our planet. Register, become an ambassador, volunteer, supporter or even better: partner up with us.


Let’s clean
our planet together.

We are focused on land cleanups. By picking up litter, like plastic, anyone can experience making a positive impact. Our dream is to create a cleanup community large enough to really have the impact needed. We believe change starts from within! Cleanups are cool, fun an helpful but only cleanups will not be enough. We will aim on conscious behavior, changes in production and consumption and contributing to new regulations.  Let’s turn ripples into waves.

Our mission to
save the planet

We have three focus points

Conscious Awareness

All our projects focus on your connection to nature. Can you make a change? Do you feel your behavior matters? How will you contribute to the solution for pollution? We feel it is important to start with awareness. Joining and doing cleanups will give that experience. Join us and become part of our project: The Cleanup Community.


We challenge you to activate yourself to make a change. Become active by going outside and clean a small piece of our planet. This way you activate your conscious awareness by making the healthy change. Our motto is: Improve yourself, improve the planet!


By joining us you will actually participate in making our planet cleaner. You will look at plastic and trash differently after joining The Cleanup Community. We challenge you to inspire others with your actions by registering on our website. Join and organise cleanups
together. Every piece counts.


Did you know: Plastic is oil.
Plastic pollution is the biggest oil disaster in history.

With every tide, new plastic arrives. Most plastic and other litter can never be degraded by nature and therefore pollute our natural resources.
Microplastic is detected in our human bodies and is connected to fatal diseases. Nanoplastics are airborn! They float in our atmosphere and are being spread all over the globe through air, wind, rain and snow. Plastics are being found at the North and South poles in fresh snow.
If every person prevents plastic and litter to enter the ocean, our rivers and natural areas, we can put a stop to the growth of plastic soup. This can be done through cleanups, an efficient global waste management system, new regulations and by changing our consumptive and productive behaviors. Billions of pounds of plastic and waste are floating in all of our oceans, seas and rivers. More has already sunk and is degrading into micro and nano plastic. All of this starts on land. Every piece we pick up makes a big difference and inspires others to join the cleanup community.

For people

You can participate in our projects or donate

Support us to organize global cleanup events and inspire others to join the wave. Your donation will go to our cleanup event projects.


For businesses

You can participate in our projects or donate

Your company can become a sustainable partner for us by donating resources or funds. Having a challenge to become climate neutral? Partner up and compensate by supporting us. For your generous donation we can provide a free company cleanup with your personell.

Heereweg 237, 1873GA
Groet, Nederland

+31 6 15 34 30 04