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Support us
with your donation!

We are organising and funding public cleanup events all over the planet. You
can support us by donating funds, resources, your time and your efforts.

How can you help?
1. Donate You. Join our free platform project The Cleanup Community and register as volunteer, ambassador or partner.
2. Pick up plastic and trash. You can do this alone or with others. Create your cleanup events on our Earth map and invite others to join. You can also share your existing cleanup events on our website.
3. Donate funds. Our dream is to organise public cleanup events all over the planet. Especially where it is needed most. Your donation will make this possible.
4. Donate resources. Businesses and organisations can donate funds, create a partnership and donate resources!

Can your organisation donate cleanup products for our cleanups?
Are you a location where we can organise cleanup events?
Are you an existing cleanup organisation? Please partner up and join our community. We believe in teamwork.

Would your organisation like to donate human resources? Our foundation is always in need of many hands to make light work. We are open to welcome you and your personnel into our organisation. Please contact us on

Please feel free to donate on this page. It is also possible to transfer your donation directly into our account:

Stichting Target Earth
The Netherlands
IBAN: NL61INGB0675496349

Heereweg 237, 1873GA
Groet, Nederland